Oral Surgery & Implantology

Code Product Price Min.
Status Quantity
G029 G029 Implantology Kit No.2 £112.88 0 Available
H696 H696 Woodpecker Implant Irrigation Tubing £78.00 0 Available
H927 H927 W&H Osstell Beacon £5,123.00 £1,989.00 0 Special Offer
H131 H131 VarioSurg3 LED Optic Complete Pack Unit With Basic S Tip Kit £8,086.00 £6,160.00 0 Available
H706 H706 Anthogyr Safe Relax Automatic crown and bridge remover with 4 hooks £420.00 0 Available
H707 H707 Anthogyr Safe Relax Automatic Crown & Bridge Remover (Wire-Tips) £479.00 0 Available
H715 H715 Anthogyr Torq Control® Wrench Handpiece £595.00 £495.00 0 Available
H088 H088 Ti-Max X-SG20L 20:1 Optic Speed Reducing Contra Angle £1,286.00 £979.00 0 Available
H089 H089 NSK Ti-Max X-SG65L 1:1 Optic Surgical Straight Handpiece 0 Buy one get one free
H090 H090 NSK Ti-Max X-SG65 1:1 Non-Optic Surgical Straight Handpiece 0 Buy one get one free
Implantology Kit No.2 G029 £112.88
Woodpecker Implant Irrigation Tubing H696 £78.00
Special Offer
W&H Osstell Beacon H927 £5,123.00 £1,989.00
VarioSurg3 LED Optic Complete Pack Unit With Basic S Tip Kit H131 £8,086.00 £6,160.00
Anthogyr Safe Relax Automatic Crown & Bridge Remover (Wire-Tips) H707 £479.00
Anthogyr Torq Control® Wrench Handpiece H715 £595.00 £495.00
Ti-Max X-SG20L 20:1 Optic Speed Reducing Contra Angle H088 £1,286.00 £979.00
Buy one get one free
NSK Ti-Max X-SG65L 1:1 Optic Surgical Straight Handpiece H089
Buy one get one free
NSK Ti-Max X-SG65 1:1 Non-Optic Surgical Straight Handpiece H090